A remote for focused and peripheral interaction

In collaboration with Philips Lighting, a project was initiated to design a new interactive tool that controls Philips Hue lighting system at peripheral interaction level.
Developed technology is, in general, high resource demanding and operations often are within the centre of attention (Bakker, Hoven & Eggen, 2010, p. 78). That enabled us to define the main goal of designing a new way of interaction that uses less cognitive and attentional resources. In this project, I worked with two other designers where I had the role of leading the team, researching, designing and programming.
Based on the interview which was done with Hue users, a brainstorm session was organized to design tools and discuss different ways of interaction. (Which are supported by literature).
Quick and dirty prototyping
Translating the most interesting ideas to quick prototypes, the team was able to test different interactions and hypotheses.
Tangible interaction
Using tangible interaction requires low attention resources, which means that the user can be involved in other activities while operating Hue lights. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, a user test was done at TU Eindhoven. The test shows that the participants used less mental effort to operate and interact with the prototype while doing another cognitive tasks.
Physical Design process
Sketching, Modeling, Prototyping and Evaluating
The Interaction steps in the periphery 
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