changing perspective

Stichting Pergamijn
This design case was created by Stichting Pergamijn and focuses on people with severe autism who are residents at Pergamijn. Pergamijn in itself is an organisation that aims to use all of her existing resources to support individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) based on their personal choices, opportunities and abilities.
THE problem
Pergamijn specifically identified the problem of “transitions”; the transfer of a resident from location A to B. Some of these locations are a low-stimulus environment (e.g. a hallway, bedroom), whilst others are more active environments (e.g. swimming pool, daily activity center). Transitioning ASD individuals between these environments is a challenge. It is important to realize that residents are extremely attentive to the myriad details of an environment as they desire the comfort of continuity instead of the stimulation of change.

Based on the input delivered by Pergamijn and the insights found in the empathy map, the design team were able to identify the most suitable solution. Furthermore, using inspiration from other autism-related products, modern design trends and inspiration from the resident’s rooms at Pergamijn, a mood board was created to serve as inspiration for a design. The spherical shape was designed since a sphere resembles kindness, nature, harmony and protection [31], which led to the creation of Focus.
Focus. is a sphere-shaped object that uses light, vibration, and sound (with a headset) to keep the resident’s mind in Focus. And away from the trigger. It is connected to an encrypted database that holds portfolios and information of the ADS individuals at Pergamijn. Focus. Uses portfolio information to generate different effects (visuals, audio or haptic) to distract (Jami in this case) from the source of the sensory overload. Focus. It can be activated by a smartphone application installed on the caregiver’s smartphone.

The caregiver can select a profile of an individual, and (s)he can get access to several activation options (based on the information of preferences in the database) (Fig. 10). This allows the caregiver to use the same device to serve several individuals.
Business model
To understand the market for this problem, market research was conducted by evaluating potential competitors and their unique qualities within this market. In addition, stakeholders and their needs as well as how to focus. Provides these needs are discussed. To conclude, these competitors are mapped within the market to understand how to focus. It can be of value to institutions such as Pergamijn. The levels of competition tool were used to map and describe the market size and potential. 
Value Proposition:
“focus. helps people with severe autism and their caregivers who want to move from one activity to another without meltdowns by avoiding focus on frustration and enabling control over the situation.”
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